The Daily Hotness: Mass Effect in space

This article is over 12 years old and may contain outdated information

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I was going to talk about something else, but… They are sending copies of ME3 into space. Seriously. Nothing else I could post would be that awesome.

In our everyday stuff, we have Jim Sterling saying some stuff about the Vita and then people whining about it. A new “Sup Holmes?”, and three previews. And the standard news-y stuff.

Destructoid Original:
Ten whining PlayStation Vita nitpicks 
Sup Holmes?: Skyrim is the most romantic game ever?

Community blogs for 2/16
Forum thread of the day: How much does your online persona reflect the real you?

Review: Escape Plan

Preview: Revel in Warriors Orochi 3’s absurd fan service
Preview: Ripping sh*t up in the first hour of Prototype 2

Surviving the haste and chaos of Resident Evil: ORC

Help unlock a new crew for Dance Central 2
Razer’s new Mass Effect 3 lineup includes DLC items
EA to send copies of Mass Effect 3 into space
THQ rumored to be closing Japanese office
Xbox 360 update addresses color issues
Original Max Payne coming to mobile devices very soon
PS3 firmware 4.11 releases today 
Mario gets an NES Ambassador update
EA thinks Origin is important for the digital world
PS Vita sales drop to new low in Japan
PSA: Grab Four Swords DSi before it’s too late!
Report claims PS Vita devs are jumping ship to 3DS
Warriors Orochi 3 coming to PSN due to Japanese voiceover
Journey comes to PlayStation Network March 13
BAFTA game nominations revealed
Civilization V expansion Gods & Kings announced
Mass Effect won’t support gamepads, BioWare explains why
PSA: Fractal is free for iPad users until Friday
Hulu Plus for the Wii now available 
Atlus emails a blank black picture…oh wait! Persona?
Lock ‘n load for a Modern Warfare 3 Steam free weekend
Counter Strike co-creator unveils new tactical shooter

Robotic amore and double-sided chiptune melodies
LEGO Minecraft set coming this summer, first pics are in

Here’s everything we know about Max Payne 3
Much-welcomed RTS Facebook action with War Commander
This Max Payne 3 trailer gives some more story details
New Final Fantasy XIII-2 content adds story, bikinis
Mortal Kombat Vita augments reality in this trailer

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