Our sister site on all things toys related celebrated three years of awesome today. Watch as the Tomo staff share what makes Tomopop so special.
The new Monthly Musing is up, Jim reviewed Dead Space for iOS, I Am Alive is still happening, Sony shows off inFAMOUS 2, Twisted Pixel reveals The Gunstringer and more happened on 2/1/11.
Destructoid Originals:Live show: Chill Bros play Guitar Hero pro gamer Ecstacy
Monthly Musing: Groundhog Day
Live Show: Backlog continues with more Viewtiful Joe 2
Contests:Follow us on Twitter to win some CoD: Black Ops DLC codes
Reviews:Review: Dead Space (iOS)
News:Imageepoch making a new console JRPG
Dark Souls, the spiritual successor to Demon’s Souls
Tropico 4 headed for Xbox 360 after all
Dynasty Warriors 7 gets a Nu Lu Bu
The Last Story I found, but not Valkyria Chronicles 3
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim menus inspired by … iTunes?
PlayStation Suite could come to everything
I Am Alive now a PSN/XBLA title, out this year
Tokyo: A tame 3DS kiosk appears!
Shocker: PS3 Firmware update causing HDD problems
Marvel vs Capcom 3 to have Japanese voice option?
Dragon Age 2 PC DRM is … fairly reasonable
Microsoft nabs a Halo Kinect domain, brain explodes
Black Ops First Strike DLC download problems (update)
Tancharoen talks about MK: Rebirth short, webisodes
Free App of the Day: Zombie Cafe
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Mad Catz Arcade Fightstick announced
No sh*t: Miyamoto promises Super Mario Bros on 3DS
Yvonne Strahovski voicing Aya Brea in The 3rd Birthday
StarDrone for PlayStation Network looks intriguing
Dead Space 2 far outselling DS1, other EA sales figures
PlayStation Move control for PC? Move Server comes to GDC
Offbeat:Three minutes of pure carnage from Dead Space 2
These Mother 2 figures are a fan’s dream
Media:Twisted Pixel announces The Gunstringer for Kinect
Sony blows the lid off inFAMOUS 2
Industry greats talk interaction fiction, storytelling
Anarchy Reigns introduces us to Zero
Closed beta for Facebook game Dragon Age Legends starts
Enjoy a Hobbit-free trailer for LOTR: War in the North
Resistance 3 trailer has blood, explosions, alien gorilla
Sacred Odyssey: Rise of Ayden hits iTunes this Thursday
Rube Goldberg would probably dig Crazy Machines Elements
Published: Feb 1, 2011 11:59 pm