Tons of previews, screens and trailers coming out of gamescom. DMC and Mass Effect 3 look freaking incredible.
We also have Escape Plan, Goldeneye: Reloaded, Assassin’s Creed: Revelations, and All Zombies Must Die, new trailers for Amy, Trine 2, Guild Wars 2, SSX, WildStar, and Sims 3 for the consoles.
Destructoid Original: Gamescom 2011 day-one wrap up
Check out
Live show: Mash Tactics with Bastion and Greg Kasavin!
The top 25 best (and worst) SNES box art of all time
Community Blogs of 8/18/11
Forum Thread of the Day: Deus Ex Human Revolution
East Vs. West: Seriously, Japan hasn’t lost their touch
Preview: Escape Plan
Preview: GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Preview: Assassin’s Creed: Revelations
Preview: All Zombies Must Die!
Hands-on: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Hands-on with Parasoul from Skullgirls
Impressions: A second set of eyes on Mass Effect 3
Events: Get the VIP treatment and play Darkness 2 at PAX Prime
News: Blizzard ‘serious’ about bringing Diablo III to consoles
DIRECTV’s ‘NFL Sunday Ticket’ coming to PlayStation 3
Xbox Live now at 35 million members
Activision: EA’s COD trash talk ‘bad for industry’
Word is, From Dust SUCKS on PC (and has sh*t DRM)
Pre-purchase Deus Ex for sweet gear in Team Fortress 2
Save on The Witcher 2 and Dawn of War this weekend
Ubisoft lightens up the DRM in Driver: San Francisco
Here’s what Facebook and foursquare look like on Vita
Play with big balls in Wipeout 2
Ferrari 458 Italia racing wheel for Xbox 360
DeathSpank’s The Baconing adventure hits XBLA August 31
Sony’s Move party starter Everybody Dance dated
Elevator Action Deluxe hits PSN on August 30
PSA: You can now download the CryENGINE 3 SDK for free
Blizzard’s DOTA mod for StarCraft II is still on the way
All races, both genders in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
New book PIXELGALAXY collects Game Boy art and essays
SOE dates The Heist, Rochard, and more for PSN
Rage iOS all kinds of free for about a week
Nintendo downloads: F*cking Urban Champion 3D
Adventures of Shuggy dev tells of XBLA publishing woes
Battlefield 3 won’t have split-screen co-op
Catherine finally reaching Australian shores
An evening with id Software at the Sydney Opera House
The first two Gears of War games might come to Germany
Can’t we be friends? Gabe Newell wants EA back on Steam
Latest look at Renegade Kid’s Mutant Mudds
Here’s a better look at that new European PSP model
Media:Have more Rayman Origins
Silent Hill HD Collection’s shitty voice acting revealed!
These Resistance 3 shots have a distinct lack of monsters
Ubisoft brought Rocksmith to Warped Tour?
Ace Combat 3D is lookin’ pretty 3D
Oh yeah! Saints Row: The Third has a story
Rock of Ages: Rock beats everything
Rise of Nightmares takes a relaxing European vacation
Amy gets a scary trailer
Dishonored screens make us fear the STILT POLICE!
Sly is sneaky in these new Thieves in Time screenshots
Prey 2 screens show Tommy, sleazy alien alleyways
LittleBigplanet screens are looking hot on PS Vita
Call of Duty Zombie Labs goes to the Moon
These Resistance 3 shots have a distinct lack of monsters
Get moody with these Darksiders II screens
A slew of Driver: San Francisco screens to salivate over
WildStar MMO gets pretty debut trailer
Sims 3 Pets gets a console trailer sans unicorns
Saints Row The Third writer talks dildos, boobs & Shaundi
Resistance: Burning Skies screens emerge out of gamescom
SSX Gamescom trailer sizzles up the snow
Amazing new Guild Wars 2 trailer for gamescom!
Trine 2’s co-op shown in lush new gamescom trailer
Published: Aug 18, 2011 11:59 pm