gamescom 10 has kicked off into full gear over in Cologne, Germany today. We have a team of awesome people that will be bringing you coverage from the show as well as your regular home team pumping out the news as it comes through. Stay tuned with Destructoid for all your gaming needs!
Jonathan Holmes reviewed Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game, Mass Effect 2 is coming to the PS3, Kirby’s Epic Warn is coming out in October, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is getting a collector’s edition, Jim reviewed Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days and so much more happened on 08/17/10.
Destructoid Originals:GC 10: Welcome to the motherland
GDCE 10: Chahi and Bel talk about Project DUST
GDCE 10: Guerrilla talks Killzone 3, new IP for Sony
Doing the right dance experience with Dance Central
Rock Band 3, scantron 2000 edition
Community:Community blogs of 08/17/10
Reviews:Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game
Previews:GC 10: Checking out the Kinect line-up at gamescom
Moving my body to Dance Central
Hands-on: Rock Band 3’s keyboard peripheral
Contests:Win a PAX 3-Day pass and other prizes from Kung-Fu LIVE!
We’re giving away 4 Samsung Galaxy S Epic phones!
gamescom 10 News:GC 10: Kinect launching in Europe on November 10
David Beckham joins the EA Sports Active 2 team
GC 10: Two new PS3s announced: 160 and 360GB [update]
GC 10: Cole is back to the old ugly: inFamous 2 trailer
GC 10: Microsoft announces flying game Flight at Gamescom
gamescom 10 Media: GC 10: Xbox Live for Windows Phone 7 detailed
GC 10: New Halo: Reach ARG, Firefight map & more revealed
GC 10: Dragon Age II out on March 8, 2011
GC 10: Mass Effect 2 coming to PS3 January 2011
GC 10: Kinect functionality for new Harry Potter revealed
GC 10: Age of Empires Online announced
GC 10: Might & Magic Heroes VI announced
GC 10: Killzone 3 multiplayer be bringin’ the mechs!
GC 10: Need for Speed Hot Pursuit gets a Limited Edition
GC 10: Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One announced
GC 10: Virtua Tennis 4 gets Move support, 3D
GC 10: No surprise, Resistance 3 announced for 2011
GC 10: Medal of Honor Real Deal ‘Consulting’ trailer
Dead Space 2 screens! Get ’em while they’re scary!
New gameplay, screens of Bulletstorm are off the wall
GC 10: Dead Space 2 is looking gorgeous
GC 10: Leeches confirmed for The Sims Medieval
GC 10: FIFA 11 gets Be A Goalkeeper mode, full trailer
GC 10: LittleBigPlanet 2 trailer sparks creativity
Updated Dance Central tracklist is full of satisfaction
160GB PS3 announced, then hidden
Kirby’s Epic Yarn, Donkey Kong Returns and more dated
Heavy Rain sold four times better than expected
Free App of the Day: Psychoban
Next Dawn of War II expansion, Retribution, announced
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Collector’s Edition
Kane & Lynch 2 DLC already on the way
Sony’s surround gaming headsets are sexy
Crysis 2 getting two special editions
160GB PS3 is in stock at
Wait, what? Persona 3 Social coming to mobile phones
Avatar 2.0: MS Avatars get redesigned for Kinect
Media:Dance Central’s prettiest pictures rock the dancefloor
Check out Epic Mickey’s paint-flavored intro cinematic
Fable III screenshots for looking at
THQ announces uDraw and tablet peripheral for the Wii
Get BLiTZ’d alongside Sega with Valkyria Chronicles II
Tactics Ogre PSP dated in Japan for November 11
Gun Loco looks positively insane
Samus Aran gives us a Metroid history lesson
Published: Aug 17, 2010 11:59 pm