The Daily Hotness: Flashy flashy

This article is over 14 years old and may contain outdated information

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Marvel vs Capcom 3 is looking pretty hot. I can’t wait to see who else will be in this epic fighter. So many heroes and villains to choose from! Who do you want to see in the game?

Chad loves Super Mario Galaxy 2, Matt reviewed the latest Prince of Persia, Nick checked out Killzone 3, win Prince of Persia the game, former Microsoft manager says Natal will fail and plenty more happened on 05/27/10.

Destructoid Originals:
Is Super Mario Galaxy 2 the best platformer ever created?


Community blogs of 05/27/10
Forum of the day: Sink your teeth in

Movie Review: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

First Jimpressions: Ninety-Nine Nights II
Killzone 3: Stab a Helghast in the eye… in 3D!

Win a Prince of Persia fanpack!

God of War III art show in Hollywood on Saturday


Snake dares to wear pink in Peace Walker DLC
Damn, Mario! Super Mario Galaxy 2’s critical acclaim
Blizzard: DRM is a losing battle
Tetris clones yanked from Android Market
Say what you want but Lost Planet 2 is #1 in Japan
Free App of the Day: 2360: Battle for Cydonia
Job listing says that Sledgehammer’s Call of Duty is FPS
PlayStation Home is ‘not sh*t’
Former Microsoft studio manager says Natal will fail
In-flight PSP could be coming to airlines
Redbox game rental kiosks now in Orlando too
Silly rumor smash: Naughty Dog not working on Killzone 3
Limbo appearing on PC and PS3 too, says ESRB
OFLC lists Castlevania: Harmony of Despair
This game is called Fire Nuclear Crocodile Killer
New Final Fantasy XIII vinyl release: Gentle Reveries

Urban Space Squirrels are three words never said together
Ah-mazing new Marvel vs. Capcom 3 screens
Sonic Colors gets some images that you can look at
Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light is a thing
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes is a shy chicken
Two Worlds II debut trailer is all epic n’ stuff
Arc Rise Fantasia ASSET BLAST XTREEEEEME!!!!11!!!!11!!!!1
White Knight Chronicles 2 opening has me hopeful
Here’s what H.A.W.X. 2 looks like
Lost Planet 2’s Map Pack #2 looks faaabulous
Mafia II collector’s edition & pre-order bonuses detailed

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Image of Hamza Aziz