I just love the fact that someone went to the trouble of making a anti-EA Spore creature. I wonder where the thing poops from …
Jim has a ten new Golden Rules, Nick reviews Rock Band 2, win a Rise of the Argonauts faceplate, learn about the sad death of the Dreamcast, and plenty more happened on Monday.
Monday Regulars:
Wii Shop releases for week of 9/15: Strong Badia, Potpourrii, Mega Man 2
New releases for the week of 09/15/08
Podtoid 68 records tonight, sans a Tiff and plus a Toph
Domino Master and Feeding Frenzy 2 on XBLA this Wednesday
Ten Golden Rules of fighting videogame piracy
An RPG Draws Near! Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner
Destructoid Reviews:
Rock Band 2
Are the updated Rock Band 2 instruments worth your money?
Strong Bad Episode Two: Strong Badia the Free
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Rise of the Arty-nauts: MS Paint your way to a Rise of the Argonauts faceplate!
A winner is you: South Park character creation contest winners announced!
Necronamco Bandai: More XBLA retro revivals planned
2650 quid for a Commodore 64? Oh wait, it’s golden? Oh, that makes it all better
EA responds to the Spore DRM madness
Peter Molyneux fractured a dog: Discusses Fable II’s low points
Red 360 controller comes with charger and large price tag
Wrath of the Lich King gets a release date & special edition info
How Peter Moore snapped the Dreamcast’s neck
Kids buy games and knives in retail sting, councillor attacks games in process
Hackers delight: new Wii Backup Loader swings wide the doors of piracy
Retailer listing reveals first details on Rock Band 2 cymbal add-ons
Devastingly great deals on PS3 games you could give two sh*ts about
King’s Bounty demo is out right now
Molyneux basing his next game on a ‘single pure thought’
‘Big news’ expected from Jellyvision soon, YDKJ on XBLA or PSN anybody?
Updated info and images of Mad Catz Rock Band 2 drum cymbals
Spore users turn game’s own creation tools against it in DRM protest
Call of Duty 6 not coming until 2010, more DLC to make up for it
God of War III writer: “We want to keep your game off of AudioAtrocities.com”
Bungie and Rare game announcement next week?
Yakuza 3 images? We got ’em!
New Phantasy Star Zero DS site shows crude drawing potential, screenshots
Warriors Orochi 2 PSP screen: Like regular WO2 screens, but smaller and wider
Pre-order Spider-Man: Web of Shadows from Best Buy, get rad art book
Gametrailers previews Silent Hill: Homecoming with plenty of footage
Race Pro gets pushed back, demo coming before Christmas
New trailer for Burnout Paradise shows off the bikes
Final NBA 2K9 teaser has Derrick Rose dunking over Ben Wallace?!
EA responds with band-aid fix for NHL 09 DREs and crashes on 360
Brand new Lock’s Quest trailers: The villain is called Lord Agony?
C Blogs of 09/15/08
Published: Sep 15, 2008 11:56 pm