You might have missed this story in the morning about iPhone developer Halfbot getting their game pretty much cloned and seeing it prominently in the App Store. It sucks big time and I hope the people who jacked it get what’s coming to them. So don’t go buying The Blocks Cometh on your iDevices because you’re only supporting jerks until the real version comes out.
We reviewed Worms: Battle Islands, JoCo is doing another track for Portal 2, Alma’s pregnancy can now be in your home and a whole bunch more happened on 01/14/2011
Destructoid Originals:Dtoid Live: Playing Bayonetta
Community:2010 Sucked: What the hell, Square Enix?
Contests:Contest: Win a Sumo Lounge beanbag chair of your choice!
Reviews:Review: Worms: Battle Islands
News:MotorStorm Apocalypse release dates announced
Another iPhone game rip-off: The Blocks Cometh
The Last Story has a petition for a Western release
Bullestorm demo skillshoots PSN, XBL on January 25
Xbox 360 to get exclusive Homefront DLC map, ‘Suburb’
Killzone 3 goes gold, ready for February 22
Lima Sky backs down from Doodle Jump copyright claim
The Dreamcast Collection coming to Xbox 360 and PC
Study links games to mental health problems in children
Breach coming to Xbox Live, PC on January 26
F.E.A.R 3 special edition has glow-in-the-dark pregnancy
Akuma pops up in retailer’s Marvel vs. Capcom 3 artwork
‘PSP2 vs. 3DS is like PSP vs. DS’
Obvious: Coulton pens song for Portal 2
PS3 Jailbreak: New App unlocks PS3 Trophies
Mortal Kombat-inspired album being released
Gameloft: Game industry has one new idea a year
Mortal Kombat creator asking for DLC fighter suggestions
Free App of the Day: Cell & Love
Fatshark unveils Hamilton’s Great Adventure
PlayStation Move Heroes out March 22
Good Old Games teases announcement with police tape
Stone Sour track pack coming to Rock Band next week
Bodycount dev: Shooters ‘need to find their own space’
Dungeon Overlord beta could be a Keeper
Sequel to Blacklight: Tango Down free to play
Feist isn’t dead! Aiming for a 2011 release
Pinball FX 2’s high score tournament offers slick prizes
Harmonix dropping Rock Band Network support for Wii
Zombie Cow cancels latest adventure game installment
THQ talks lessons learned with Metro 2033
Media:Watch a Conduit 2 trailer if you like
Yakuza Of The End videos confirm celebrities, drama, guns
So this is what Telltale’s Jurassic Park looks like
Published: Jan 14, 2011 11:59 pm