Halfbot’s The Blocks Cometh has finally made its way to the App Store, having triumphed over villainy and getting a counterfeit copy removed by Apple. To celebrate, and to thank the Destructoid community for its part in helping the game get published, Halfbot’s lent us five codes to give away.
I’ll be picking random comments between now and 5pm Central. Comment as much as you like to up your chances. Posting nonsense for a free game is a pretty fair trade, methinks. If you don’t win anything, it’s only a buck, so buy it anyway!
I don’t think these things are region locked, but if you’re not in North America and your code doesn’t work, sorry. Give it to someone American.
It’s an excellent little game, and damn tough to boot. See how high you can climb, and try to unlock Mr. Destructoid as a playable character!
[Contest be over, winners be notified!]
Published: Feb 18, 2011 01:20 pm