For me, there is something very special about playing videogames over the Thanksgiving holiday. The combination of the cold, crisp air outside and the few extra days of relaxation are the perfect excuse to wrap myself up in my dolphin blanket, warm up an oversized mug of hot chocolate, and play videogames for hours (and days!) on end.
It is something I look forward to every year.
Because the gaming weekend is so perfect, it has to be accompanied by the perfect videogame in order for everything to feel just right. Not every game can fit in nicely with the warm, comforting Thanksgiving vibe.
Curiosity getting the best of me, I wanted to ask all the other Destructoid editors what games they like to play (or are planning on playing) over the upcoming long, relaxing holiday weekend. Is this something they look forward to as much as me? Are there certain games they like to play as the sounds of food preparation and families arguing fill the air?
Grab one end of the wishbone, hit the jump, and PULL! And once you are done reading, take to the comments to share your thoughts on what Thanksgiving gaming means to you.
(And as a bonus, I pasted a picture of my epic dolphin blanket at the end of this article. Yes, I really own that. And, no, you are not ready.)
When I think of Thanksgiving, I always think of Zelda (oh, and family and friends, too, I guess). My two favorite Zelda games of all time — Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time — released right before Thanksgiving, so I have such fond memories of playing both of them during the Tryptophan-tastic holiday.
Because of that, I have made a point of playing through The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past every Thanksgiving for years (fun fact: it’s my favorite game of all time!). It means so much to me and puts me in the best mood for the weekend.
Me. A blanket. A bottle of wine. Lights turned low. Anyone that didn’t know me would walk into that scene thinking I was about to make out with someone. Well, I guess that is kind of true. I am making out with someone … someone named the lady Super Nintendo.
And what a fine lookin’ lady she is.
As much as I love Animal Crossing on Halloween, Animal Crossing on Thanksgiving may be a touch more amazing. The music, the comedy, the ever looming threat of cannibalism, it’s all so perfectly Thanksgiving.
Ever since the release of the Gamecube version — and now the upgraded Wii sequel — I’ve forced my family to play the game with me during our yearly holiday feast. Their response is always the same:
“This game is fucking weird, dude.”
For me, there’s nothing lovelier on a holiday than digging into a solid RPG.
In the past, I have played games like Persona 3 and 4 and the Silent Hills on Thanksgiving and Christmas. However, this year I haven’t gotten around to buying Fallout: New Vegas yet, and that seems to me like it would be a perfect choice to lose myself pre and post-turkey coma.
I’m all about the pick up and play during the holidays, as I want something that fits the mood of the season, allows me to stop playing at any time (for shopping or food or family) and is really, really good. For me, it would have to be SSX 3.
Somehow I’ve roped my family into playing games ON the holiday. One game in particular keeps making the rounds: Super Puzzle Fighter. It’s evolved over the years, starting out on a well-used/well-loved PS1 copy and now on the PS3 with Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD. It’s a game that everyone can understand and enjoy.
Family watching as others go through a little tournament is fun. As the evening gets on and we’ve all had too much to drink, the matches become ridiculous.
I’m driving five hours back to Mississippi. When I’m not eating, watching football, or reading books, my gaming will come in two flavors — the portable games I can bring with me, or the old stuff that didn’t make it during the Great Migration of Moving Out of Your Parents’ House.
So, there’s a possibility that I might dig into Ocarina of Time, but I’m predicting that, on this most American of holidays, I’ll be playing a lot of JRPGs — Pokemon SoulSilver on the DS and Final Fantasy II, courtesy of the Final Fantasy: Origins collection on the old PlayStation that’s still hooked up in my old room.
If I can find my copy of Earth Defense Force 2011 I’m going to play that to completion.
I’m going to shoot people in online games like Halo: Reach and Call of Duty: Black Ops because I don’t celebrate your American holidays so I’ll vent my rage and jealously by killing little 14-year-old shits.
I just overeat and go into a food coma. Not particularly exciting or relevant.
Now is your chance to join the discussion! Tell us what Thanksgiving gaming means to you! Is it something special? Do you look forward to it? What games do you like to play? Which editor’s holiday videogame choices do you relate to the most?
Pull up a chair. Here’s some gravy. Pour it on something (or everything!). Let’s discuss. We’re all family here.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Travel safe! And enjoy the best gaming weekend of the year!
Oh, and here is the picture of my dolphin blanket I promised you. Just imagine me wrapped up in this thing while playing videogames on cold nights.
I told you you weren’t ready.
Published: Nov 23, 2010 04:00 pm