Okay, so we already got our first look at Street Fighter X Tekken during San Diego Comic-Con. Now, it’s Tekken X Street Fighter‘s turn. The venue is set: it’s gamescom in Cologne, Germany. Before we go any further, you are pronouncing the “X” as “cross,” right? Keep at it.
Tekken director Katsuhiro Harada and Street Fighter producer Yoshinoro Ono will be battling it out at 2:00 PM on Thursday, August 19 in Konrad-Adenauer-Saal of the Kölnmesse. You may or may not need the Rosetta Stone to decipher that message.
This is where details get sketchy. There are conflicting reports about the specifics, but a tournament of some sort will go down. Apparently there’s going to be one for Tekken 6 and one for Super Street Fighter IV; I’ve also heard that there will be a tournament for Tekken X SF. Who do we believe!?
This is what happens when two separate developers create two similar-sounding games simultaneously.
Published: Aug 6, 2010 01:20 pm