I have to admit: I’m not the biggest Rush fan on the planet, but my wife surely is. So when she was stomping around the house flipping furniture yesterday, I knew something was wrong.
It seems that Rush’s Moving Pictures, scheduled as yesterday’s Rock Band downloadable content, has been slightly delayed.
“Just so you know, we know that Rush’s Moving Pictures isn’t up yet,” wrote Harmonix community manager Sean Baptiste (featured in the above video) on their official forums. “There is a technical difficulty that is being worked out. I’ll alert you when it is all clear.”
No word on what the “technical difficulty” is, but I’ll go ahead and take responsibility for this one. This past weekend I suggested to Baptiste that the game integrate EA Sports’ real-time score ticket in the vocal track of Rush’s instrumental classic, “YYZ.” While I don’t think he actually took that back to the programming team and ran with it, I can dream, right?
We’ll update you by dropping balloons from the ceiling and sending up a flare as soon as we hear more.
Published: Aug 27, 2008 02:01 pm