The PSPgo was a waste of time andspace. Objective, scientific, fact. Expensive, restricted, and lacking a library to back up its price, Sony’s attempt to produce an “all-digital” handheld didn’t work, and Team 17 believes the failure is a simple matter of cost.
“Digital Distribution is here to stay” explains studio boss Martyn Brown. “I think the issues with the PSPgo were somewhat different, basically the cost of the hardware, the software library and it’s pricing — the problem wasn’t that it was a digital device — look at the iPhone & appstore.”
I think Brown is absolutely right. The PSPgo wasn’t a competitive digital device because it wasn’t designed properly. People aren’t ready for digital games costing upwards of thirty bucks, not when the App Store has told them that fun, addictive, long-lasting games can cost less than $5, and are sometimes completely free. Sony was arrogant to think that it could shoehorn its current digital strategy into the existing market.
I like to think the company’s learned its lesson, but when does Sony ever learn anything?
Team 17: PSPGo Failed Because Of Price [IncGamers]
[Clarity: I misread a quote because I fail. I changed some stuff]
Published: Jul 30, 2010 11:30 am