Taito has announed today that it has begun distributing the classic games Space Invaders and Arkanoid Doh It Again on the Android Market. Even though both games have been on the market for a week. OLD!
The deal is that each game costs $5.99, and both feature touch-based controls and all of the elements of the original classics. I picked up a demo of Arkanoid Doh It Again last week and while it certainly was Arkanoid Doh It Again, it was so tiny on my G1’s screen. I guess fixing that would have meant re-designing the game for the G1 and Android and well, that’s just crazy.
But seriously, gaming on the G1? I can barely make a phone call and check my Internet without the battery dying. Stopping the space aliens from invading earth is the least of my problems. I’m half-joking of course. I like my G1 and the Android platform … just not necessarily for gaming.
Anyone with an Android getting down the Tatio on Android?
Published: Feb 27, 2009 08:30 pm