It’s rare that I get news tips sent directly to my personal email, but after playing Sake Express Pro Wrestling, I think that I understand why someone would send this game just to me. If I were a videogame developer, I’d probably be Suda 51, and if Suda 51 made free PC games, this is probably what he’d come up with.
Sake Express Pro Wrestling is a simple little game that requires both Smash TV-style crowd control strategy and some level of physical coordination. Though the game is a shmup at heart, your standard attack is a close range punch. You can punch with either your left or right arm, but either way, the power of your strike is determined by how smoothly and swiftly you swipe the mouse. It’s the first semi-motion controlled luchador shooter about beating the crap out of panda bears, cats, and maybe-human clown guys that I’ve ever played.
The game also has an unfairly catchy theme song, and did I mention that it’s free? Download it here and post your high scores below in the comments. How much you want to bet that it’s the hordes of death-cats that’ll get you in the end?
Published: Sep 4, 2011 03:45 pm