Strong Bad game announced for Wiiware: needs more burninating!

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The Strong Bad video above is older than the internet, but it never fails to kill me every time I queue it up. Of course, there have been tons of awesome Strong Bad videos since then, but I have to be honest and say I never saw a videogame coming. Leave it to Telltale, creators of the eternally awesome Sam and Max series, to take on a game version of the beloved Strong Bad.
The game is called Strong Bad’s Cool Game For Attractive People, which ought to give you a good idea of the tone — this is going to freaking rule.The games will be episodic and will launch for Wiiware/PC this June, in a format of five episodes per “season.” Release dates and pricing haven’t been announced yet, but they’ll be along shortly. Telltale are working closely with Matt and Mike Chapman, the creators of the original cartoon, to ensure the game honors the look and feel of Strong Bad (not to mention that blazing wit that makes him so irresistible.)
The game allows you to play the role of Strong Bad, participating in what Telltale describes as “extended cartoons.”  You’ll solve dialogue-based puzzles, interact with familiar faces and use items, but the game also offers tons of mini-games in each episode to keep you busy. There’s no mention of Trogdor yet, but I can only hope for the option to burninate something (preferably a town.)
The official site will be up sometime today, so keep an eye on it for screenshots and more. In the meantime, check out the full press release after the jump.

Announcing Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People for WiiWare

New episodic series set in Homestar Runner universe coming in June from Telltale

SAN RAFAEL, CA, April 10, 2008 – Interactive entertainment pioneer Telltale, Inc. is pleased to announce Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People (SBCG4AP), a new series of episodic games for WiiWare™, in partnership with Videlectrix. Starring Strong Bad, the self-proclaimed coolest person ever, the series is based on Matt and Mike Chapman’s online animated series, which has been running at since 2000. SBCG4AP will launch on WiiWare this June.

As the very first episodic series for connected consoles, Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People has been designed specifically for WiiWare, with easy-to-use controls and WiiConnect24™ features. Like Telltale’s popular Sam & Max series, SBCG4AP will be released as a five-episode “season” akin to a season of television. The episodes will come out on a monthly schedule. Release dates and pricing details will be revealed in a future announcement.

“ is one of the biggest success stories in online entertainment,” says Telltale CEO Dan Connors. “The Chapmans have been treating the Internet to episodic content for years. We’re thrilled to have teamed up with them to take episodic gaming to the next level via Nintendo’s innovative WiiWare delivery system.”

Telltale is working closely with the Chapmans on the series’ art style, storylines, and scripts. This hands-on collaboration will deliver long-time fans the ultimate Strong Bad experience and give new players a crash course in the series’ offbeat and unusual humor. The episodes play like extended cartoons, during which the player assumes the role of Strong Bad—controlling his actions, hearing his innermost thoughts, and becoming part of his awesome world. SBCG4AP features the cast of characters and locations from the cartoons, and the games are fully voice acted by Matt Chapman and the rest of the original cast.

Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People is a story-driven series with a comic spin that’s undeniably Strong Bad. The player uncovers each episode’s comedic plot through character interaction, dialogue-based puzzles, and the use (and abuse) of inventory items. In addition, each episode will be crammed with time-wasters to keep players poking around in the world, including Strong Bad emails to check, prank phone calls to place, and mini-games styled after the arcade games on the website.

“Telltale has been rejecting my ideas for green text adventures for years,” laments thousandaire gadabout Strong Bad, “but we finally reached a compromise with this puffy 3D point-and-click-em-up adventure. They claim all the coding was done with green text, so I guess that’s pretty cool.”

In addition to WiiWare, Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People will be available on PC. For more details about the series, including a brand new trailer, screenshots, and Strong Bad’s development blog, please visit

Homestar Runner was conceived in 1996 by Mike Chapman and friend Craig Zobel as an idea for a weird kids’ book they would only make a few photocopies of for friends. In 2000, Mike and brother Matt dusted off the idea and launched, featuring the Flash-animated exploits of the characters. Since 2002, they have updated with new cartoons almost every week including the popular feature ‘Strong Bad Email’ in which fans get their emails answered by the cartoon’s charming antagonist, Strong Bad. Mike and Matt write and animate the cartoons with Matt and Missy Palmer providing voices for the characters. The site has been featured and mentioned in the New York Times, Wired Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, Time, The Wall Street Journal, and, most importantly, two songs from the site were featured in the Guitar Hero series.

About Telltale, Inc.
Telltale is pioneering new forms of interactive entertainment, building upon strong foundations in both traditional and new media. Founded in 2004 by industry veterans with decades of experience, the company has quickly become the leading online episodic gaming publisher and developer, delivering award-winning interactive experiences that emphasize engaging stories, strong characters, and rich worlds. Telltale is establishing a regular, ongoing schedule of online episodic series, across all major gaming and entertainment platforms and channels. Telltale’s games include the Sam & Max episodic series; Strong Bad’s Game for Attractive People, the first episodic series for WiiWare based on the flash cartoons; episodes adapted from Jeff Smith’s epic Bone graphic novels; and games based on television’s popular CSI program in partnership with Ubisoft. Telltale has built a robust digital distribution channel at, and also publishes its games with select partners.

About Videlectrix
Since the beginning of organized time, or shortly thereafter, the ‘Trix, as they are sometimes known, has been at all four fronts of the electronic video gaming industry, providing lo-res entertainment to parents and children alike. In the early years, The Big V, as they are othertimes known, got their start by typing numbers into calculators and then turning the calculators upside down to form words. In 2003, they partnered with and released the arcade peasant-masher Trogdor! They’ve since followed up with hit after hit, including next-gen text adventure Peasant’s Quest, side scrolling platformer Stinkoman 20X6, and the unforgettable Color Television Calibration Cartridge. Vid’rix looks forward to working with Telltale Games and finding out just exactly what it is they do.

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