The Kepler R in Starfield
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Starfield Overdesigned Mission: How to get the Kepler R, the best free ship

Best in class.

If you are in the mood for a great free ship in Starfield, the Kepler R, then you can grab it easily enough, as long as you know the answers to some questions. In this article, we will show you how to avoid making any design mistakes in the Overdesigned mission.

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Starfield Overdesigned mission

The Kepler R in space in Starfield
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After you have completed the High Price to Pay main story mission, make your way back to the Lodge on Jemison and then chat with Walter Stroud. He will be feeling a bit down after the mission but will say that he feels he is starting to understand you a bit more. He will actually ask for your help with the business he has been absent from, and he will send you to his shipyard with the aim of designing a ship.

Step 1 – Speak with the designers

Make your way to the Stroud-Eklund Staryard, where you will meet a character by the name of Jules. She is the lead designer there, and you’ll be working with her team to design the new ship. The will occasionally be a bit territorial, but just be kind to everyone to keep them on your side.

Persuading Jules in the Overdesigned mission in Starfield
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The first thing you need to do is decide on a budget. Jules will veer toward a low-budget ship, but you can persuade her to do a high-budget one. You will need to pass some persuasion tests here, so it’s time to do a bit of save scumming. You can add a skill point to the Persuade skill if you have yet to invest in it.

If you wish, you can back out of the persuade dialogue options if you are afraid you might fail. This will generate the chance to pay 100,000 Credits of your own money to cover the costs. You can make your money back pretty quickly if you take this option.

Now the key thing to realize here is that the higher budget ship is the Kepler R. If you get the lower budget option, that will be the Kepler S, and if you proceed down that path, you cannot get the Kepler S. So, like I said, a bit of save scumming might be in order here. Just save at the start of the persuade portion and reload if you need to.

Step 2 – doing some market research

The Bounty Board in the Overdesigned Mission in Starfield
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For the next step, you need to complete a couple of missions. I am unsure if they will be the exact same for you, but I got a Bounty Hunt mission and an Escort mission. I had two options for each one, and one of them was always in Alpha Centauri, so I picked those to save time. Finish these up, then make your way back to the Stroud-Eklund Staryard. Make sure that you complete one of each type of mission because if you don’t, you will be getting the downgraded Kepler S at the end of the mission.

Step 3 – Seeking compromise from the designers

Asking for compromise in the Overdesigned mission in Starfield
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Now, it’s time for a chat with the design team. They are eager for feedback, and you’ll need to run through a range of dialogue options. Make sure you stay positive with the team. You can just pick the first dialogue option with each of them, then react positively to what they say.

Make sure you chat with Jules again during this part and give her feedback as well. Not everyone is going to see eye to eye, and Jules will tell you that the team cannot settle on an agreement. Tell her that you think it is important that people be willing to compromise with each other.

When all that is complete, make your way back to Jemison, head for the Lodge, and chat with Walter Stroud again. He’ll be quite pleased with you and promise you a ship. You should get the Class C Kepler R if you did everything right.

How to get the Kepler Class R

After you complete the Overdesigned mission and speak with Walter, head back to Stroud-Eklund Staryard. To collect the Kepler Class R, you will need to dock with it outside the space station. Dock with the ship, then board it. You can head for the cockpit and fly the ship to Jemison, if you wish. The ship will become your new Home Ship, or you can visit any Ship Technician to change your Home Ship if you want.

Kepler Class R stats

The Kepler Class R stats in Starfield
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  • Fuel – 2800
  • Hull – 999
  • Cargo – 3550 (0 shielded cargo capacity)
  • Reactor – Class C
  • Crew – 6
  • Jump – 28 LY
  • Shield – 805
  • LAS – 38
  • BAL – 44

Apologies for any inaccuracies in the above stats. You cannot view stats in the game outside of the influence of your skills, so it makes it hard to know what the stats would be like without any skills affecting them.

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Image of Aidan O'Brien
Aidan O'Brien
Aidan's first ever computer was the ZX Spectrum, and he has loved games ever since. A fan of the grind, he spends too long in anything with loot just looking to stir some dopamine from his withered brain. Currently acting as Interim-EIC for the site.