Wield a lightsaber in virtual reality
ILMxLAB’s “cinematic virtual reality experiment” Star Wars: Trials on Tatooine saw a free release on Steam earlier today. If you have an HTC Vive, you’ll be able to swing a lightsaber to deflect incoming blaster fire or make gashes in the ground in virtual reality. R2D2 promises he won’t judge.
Looking over the user reviews so far, the reaction to the game is “mixed.” Some players were big enough into the brand to get something out of Trials on Tatooine.
“Despite its shortness this is maybe the best VR experience I’ve had,” wrote user Trigger [FIN]. “Being a Star Wars fan helps as this will make you feel like a kid again. It’s a very strange feeling to have the Millennium Falcon land next to you…and to wield a lightsaber. A full VR Star Wars game with lightsaber action would be amazing. Definitely worth checking out.”
Other players felt the experience was far too short and lacking in scope to even bother with.
“Huge disappointment considering the brand,” stated reviewer theonlyrigel. “Graphics were extremely fuzzy beyond a few feet (Stormtroopers looked like a blob of pixels) and approaching the chaperone bounds caused my HMD to bug out (strobing black frame drops).”
“Really slow and boring,” wrote undeadpixels. “A single static location with some tie fighters. Extended durations of not only no interactivity but also nothing to look at either. Just waiting for boring dialogue to finish while watching paint dry on the falcon. About 30 seconds of interesting stuff, 5 minutes of boring visuals and 3 minutes of text scrolling.”
So, there you go. Download it (or don’t!).
Trials on Tatooine [Steam]
Published: Jul 18, 2016 05:30 pm