With the September 9 release of Spore right around the corner, it’s time to move past the press hype and for the marketing campaign blitz to begin!
But when it’s as cool as these subway ads found in Boston’s Harvard Square red line T stop station, it’s kind of hard to complain. From the looks of it, they’ve taken over every square-inch of ad space in the station, with some pretty gorgeous looking Spore-inspired art and slogans. I guess Electronic Arts thinks all of this evolution stuff is going to be a hit with those Cambridge, Massachusetts brainiacs … hell, it got me to visit Spore.com, and I don’t even know what “DNA” stands for! (Note: I’m kidding.)
You can check out more images of the campaign in this Flickr set. Has anyone else’s city been invaded by this slick-looking Spore advertising?
Published: Aug 28, 2008 06:44 pm