That is what you think it is. Eww.
This week, we’re taking a look at the first episode of Zombie Cow’s Privates. It’s a standard run-and-gun as far as game mechanics are concerned, but the humor is in full effect. For starters, you’re tasked with scaling Mount Vagina — everything kind of just builds from there.
Privates can be downloaded here for free. It’s worth checking out if you like hearing British people throw down sex-themed slang, much like the stuff Jim enjoys rambling on about.
Bonus, GET! Because Privates will be too much for some of your PCs to handle, I wanted to include an alternative: Under the Garden. It’s an exploration-based game in which you gather resources to survive, and it’s pretty damn cool. Props to Indie Games for spotting it.
Be sure to also try out the (admittedly rather disturbing) zombie mode while you’re at it.
Published: Aug 6, 2010 09:00 pm