Dragon's Dogma 2 Trysha using Meteoron
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Spellbound – Where to find Meteoron in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Magick from the heavens.

Meteoron is one of the most powerful sorcerer spells in Dragonā€™s Dogma 2, if not the maximum utmost. It can absolutely annihilate enemies big and small, and itā€™s given to you by a little girl. This happens after the quest, Spellbound. To get you on the path to catastrophic damage fast, here’s how to get Meteoron and where to start the Spellbound quest.

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Where is the Spellbound quest location?

Spellbound begins north of Melve in an easy-to-miss cabin called Einiā€™s House. Pay it a visit, and youā€™ll meet Trysha, who is despondent over the fact that her Grandmother wonā€™t teach her magick. Instead, she turns to you. She asks you to find her 5 magical tomes that she can learn from.

Note that Trysha will not talk to you if thereā€™s a grandparent present. To solve this issue, I simply picked up her grandfather, hauled him out of the house, dropped him a few feet away, and then went back and spoke to Trysha. Problem solved.

How to complete Spellbound

There are five books to find in Spellbound. If you check your quest log, Trysha has given you hints on where to find each one. However, here, we can get more specific.

Let There Be Light Trysha tells you her father has a copy of Let There Be Light in Checkpoint Rest Town but neglects to tell you who her father is. Her father is Myriddin, and his house can be found up the hill on the east side of the town. Heā€™ll insult your clothing and lock the door. You might be able to get in by switching to finer raiments (courtly tunic and breaches), but I just jumped onto the nearby wall and leapt over to his balcony. If he spots you, he will attack, but you can just grab the book and run. Iā€™m not sure if killing him has a negative consequence, so I wouldnā€™t recommend it. He has a quest of his own if you donā€™t wreck him.

Fulminous Shield – You can find the Fulminous Shield book in Melve. Thereā€™s a trader (guy with a backpack) near the gate who has it for sale.

Nationā€™s Death Knell – Trysha doesnā€™t give you a hint where Nationā€™s Death Knell is, but I found it in the Waterfall Cave, which has entrances east and northeast of the fort. In fact, if you remember where you crashed on the Griffin at the beginning of the game, thatā€™s where you need to go. The Griffin will be gone and you can enter the cave. Note that youā€™ll have to fight a Wight to get the book, so be prepared.

Howling Blizzard – By the time I did the Spellbound quest, I already had a few Howling Blizzard books in my inventory. However, conveniently, you can find a copy in the Waterfall Cave alongside Nationā€™s Death Knell.

Towering Earth – To get the Towering Earth book, youā€™ll need to have done the Cage Magistrate quest and saved Waldhar. If you have, all you need to do is visit him in The Gracious Handā€™s vaults, and heā€™ll give you the book. Heā€™ll tell you how powerful it is and warn you of it, so you know itā€™s a good idea to give it to a little girl.

At this point, I want to mention that most of these books are not unique to the quest. For example, you can find Towering Earth by pickpocketing (using plunder) Elsa, who appears traveling Batahl if you kill her sister, Arletta. The only ones I haven’t found duplicates of are Let There Be Light and Fulminous Shield, but they might just be in obscure places. Ibrahim carries lost quest items, but the tomes don’t show up if you lose or sell them, which suggests none are unique.

They are also rare and difficult to find, so it’s suggested that you forge the tomes at Ibrahim’s Scrap Store. If you dress up for Myriddin, he’ll give you a quest to obtain the same books. You can just give him forgeries to finish that quest, but you have to give the real ones to Trysha.

However ā€“ and this is important ā€“ you only need to give Trysha some of the tomes. I gave her four, but Iā€™m told that three will suffice. This may affect your affinity with Trysha, but not her reward. Youā€™ll still be able to get Meteoron. This doesnā€™t happen immediately when you bring her the tomes, so donā€™t panic, that comes after the quest.

Once you give Trysha enough of the tomes, sheā€™ll thank you. Youā€™re then tasked with returning after a few days.

Dragon's Dogma Trysha's book list.
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Return to Trysha

When you return to finish the Spellbound quest, all hell has broken loose. Trysha has lost control of her magick and is attacking everything in the area. Who could have guessed that powerful arcane magick would not be safe in the hands of a child?

Youā€™re apparently supposed to have Trysha exhaust her magick, then grab her when sheā€™s tired. Sheā€™ll lose consciousness, and then youā€™ll need to return to her a little later.

I say ā€œapparentlyā€ because I killed her. BUT! I immediately used a wakestone to bring her back to life. It might be a good idea to have on handy in case youā€™re as reckless as I am. The funny result of this is that my logbook said both that ā€œTrysha lost her lifeā€ and ā€œYou exhausted Tryshaā€™s magick reserves.ā€ It counts as a success if you resurrect her with a wakestone, at least if you do it immediately.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Meteoron Spell
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How to learn Meteoron in Dragonā€™s Dogma 2

You can learn Meteroron in Dragon’s Dogma 2 by reading the Conjurer’s Jottings, which you’ll get from Trysha by talking to her two separate times after you’ve finished the Spellbound quest. And you donā€™t need to wait long for Trysha to come back around after the completion of Spellbound. I went to the nearest camp just outside of Einiā€™s House and slept for the night. When I went back, Trysha was up and about, which is impressive since she was briefly dead not a day earlier. Sheā€™ll tell you that sheā€™s now allowed to learn magick, since now she has to control it. Sheā€™ll give you a Cast Stone (a Mage wand) and 3000 G.

However, if you talk to her again. Sheā€™ll give you the Conjurerā€™s Jottings. Reading this will unlock the Meteoron ability for your Sorcerer. Note that in order to use this, you must have the Sorcerer vocation unlocked.

What does the Meteoron spell do in Dragon’s Dogma 2?

Meteoron is an incredibly destructive spell. It rains down flaming rocks that cause explosions on contact with the ground. It canā€™t be used without ample headroom, so itā€™s a no-go in tight caves. It also takes a very long time to cast and cannot be hastened. However, it causes incredible damage to even the most hardened foes. Even the drakes that may harrow you later in the game can be taken down with this spell. Don’t worry about friendly fire as you and your Pawns won’t be harmed by it. It is absolutely incredible and very fun to use.

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Image of Zoey Handley
Zoey Handley
Staff Writer - Zoey is a gaming gadabout. She got her start blogging with the community in 2018 and hit the front page soon after. Normally found exploring indie experiments and retro libraries, she does her best to remain chronically uncool.