To me, Spare Parts could mean a bunch of different things. The stuff that falls off the back of a truck, the piled high electrical equipment in your creepy Uncle’s garage, or Frankenstein. To the untrained eye these Spare Parts could have one thing in common, they don’t have souls. Thankfully, that’s exactly where EA’s Spare Parts draws the line. This game and brings things alive with….. life!
Spare Parts tells the tale of two robots, Mar-T and Chip, who find themselves stranded on a strange planet. They must salvage junk and other spare parts to repair their spaceship, which happens to be voiced by Simon Pegg. Why is it in the future, all sophisticated electrical equipment sounds British? In my interview with Spare Parts Producer Gary Napper, we talk about that phenomena and other Spare Parts topics.
Published: Nov 17, 2010 04:40 pm