The Facebook page of the Video Game Voters Network has been inundated with comments from anti-SOPA gamers, doing their part to point out the hypocrisy of its free speech advocacy.
The comments followed Destructoid’s own open letter to the ESA, where the two-faced nature of the trade organization’s first amendment interests were pointed out. The letter in question has already been posted on the VGVN’s Wall more than once, and I’m proud to say I recognize a fair few of the names leaving messages.
Unsurprisingly, I encourage you all to join in. The VGVN has attempted to remain completely silent on the SOPA issue, and while it continues to champion free speech, its position is a voice for politically minded gamers is absolutely untenable. It simply cannot claim to represent the interests of gamers while owned by a group that supports SOPA. That is a matter of fact.
Please, if you use Facebook, give the VGVN a piece of your mind.
Published: Jan 10, 2012 01:00 pm