Sony promises big PSP games are coming … again

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Every year, Sony claims that huge PSP games are coming to shake up the creatively tired system. This year, to make things a little different, Sony has tried a different approach — claiming that huge PSP games are coming to shake up the creatively tired oh wait that’s the same thing. 

“As we move further into 2010, the innovation and technological prowess of the PSP system continues to be evident,” says Sony hardware mouthpiece John Koller.  “We have a plethora of exciting new games, some of which have yet to be announced, coming later this year that will continue to deliver the same unparalleled gaming experiences that you know and love.”

This comes hot off the heels of Sony celebrating the PSP’s fifth birthday. Of course, Sony continues to promise that the PSP will have massive titles, and while it manages to produce one or two good games every twelve months, it still lacks enough lasting quality titles. Maybe if Sony would stop wasting time redesigning the system for its annual re-release, it could invest more time in software. Just a thought. 

Big PSP surprises coming this year — Sony [CVG]

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