Yowza, another one
Hey, remember when everyone found out about the Batman: Return to Arkham HD Collection due a leak? And then again due to another leak? Then another? Well it leaked again! This time, with what might be the first definitive look, is by way of an Italian gaming magazine, which clearly depicts the rumored duo of games (Arkham Asylum and Arkham City) with PS4 and Xbox One cover art to boot.
This pretty much jives with all the info we’ve seen so far, with all of the DLC included for both. It’s listed at €35, which is roughly $40 US with a “Giugno 10” date, which matches up with the rumored June 10 release. Having played through all of them semi-recently I think I’m all Arkham-ed out for a bit, but I could definitely go for replaying these two every other year or so.
Leak: Batman: Return to Arkham HD Collection Listed On GameStop Italy (UPDATED) [Gaming Tree House]
Published: May 8, 2016 10:00 am