Remember that sweet Mega Man 9 retail packaging? You know, the one that was initially limited to press only until retro fans went absolutely nuts over it and Capcom agreed to sell a small quantity through their online store? Yeah, well, there’s a few less of them available now.
It seems that some people have been given the opportunity to pick one up early. According to their message to these folks, the chance is being offered to early commenters, known Mega Man fans and people who’ve paid them off. The last one is almost certainly a lie, because I sent my bribe off weeks ago and haven’t heard squat.
Folks who are able to buy the package now are having to pay $50 for the NES cart, box and disc of press assets. Combined with the price of the game (no download code is included in the package), that would bring the price right in line with a modern retail release. There’s no confirmation at this time as to whether this is the price the rest of us will get to pay, but I can’t imagine them asking a whole lot more.
Are you willing to throw down fifty smackers for a non-functioning NES cart and nostalgia?
[Via Daily DL]
Published: Oct 1, 2008 11:29 pm