In the last year or so, games on the Xbox 360 have started to expand to two (Mass Effect 2) and sometimes even three (L.A. Noire) discs. When it comes to the next installment in the Elder Scrolls series, you would be forgiven for thinking that the colossal world, characters, and environments of Skyrim would need maybe four or five. As it turns out, it needs just the one.
Bethesda art director Matt Carofano has confirmed that you won’t need to get up off the couch to change discs in between battling dragons and marrying Khajiits. Carofano has also said that the world of Skyrim is roughly the size of Oblivion, only way more dense. With that in mind, it comes as a surprise that only one disc is needed for what is potentially one of the biggest games of the year. Well, big as in massive, not disc requirement. Oh, you know what I mean.
Published: Aug 29, 2011 02:30 pm