One of the interesting mechanics in Skull and Bones is Supply Routes, also sometimes referred to as Trade Routes. There are plenty of Supply Routes to discover in the open world, though it can be a bit confusing to figure out the purpose of them. Here is everything you need to know about Supply Routes in Skull and Bones and their purpose.

What are Supply Routes in Skull and Bones?
In Skull and Bones, Supply Routes are scattered throughout the open world between two locations. Supply Routes basically give you intel on the merchant ships that can be found traveling that route, and what types of loot you can plunder from them. When you first stumble in the area of a Supply Route you will get a pop-up notification telling you that you found the Trade Route.
Once you discover the Trade Route, look on the map and you will see a dashed line showing the route itself. All Supply Routes have a starting location and ending location, with each being a different town. Merchant Ships traveling along that trade route will have the possible loot listed. For example, if you see a trade route that says Ale is a Possible Loot, like in the screenshot above, Merchant Ships you sink around that Supply Route have a higher chance of having Ale in the loot.
Make use of Supply Routes
You can essentially think of Supply Routes as a location to farm certain materials. So, let’s say you need a lot of Acacia Planks. The Sea People have a Supply Route between two of their settlements: Tsifo Lumberyard and Tenina Town. Tsifo Lumberyard is creating Acacia Planks and shipping them to Tenina Town via Merchant Ships. If you travel along the Supply Route between those two settlements, you will find Sea People Merchant Ships.
If you attack and plunder the Sea People Merchant Ships here, they have a high chance of having Acacia Planks and Silver in their loot, as indicated by the Supply Route Possible Loot. Once you’ve found a number of Supply Routes, you can easily determine where to go and farm on Merchant Ships in that area to get the loot you are looking for.
Published: Feb 8, 2024 12:49 am