Our world is an truly amazing place sometimes. Despite two decades of online interactions which have exposed me to the very stupidest things humanity can offer, it nevertheless manages to sneak in a surprise now and again. Like this morning, when I was sifting through e-mails and discovered a link to this “Hot or Not” site for Xbox Live Avatars hosted by Party Up Gamer.
All the pointlessness of Xbox Live Avatars combined with the ancient (by internet standards) practice of rating them on a one to five scale based on how “hot” or “not” they are. And yet, I still found myself clicking through half a dozen avatars (rating every one a “3” because I don’t know what the hell constitutes a “hot” or “not” avatar). Sometimes I absolutely disgust myself.
Avatar Hot or Not: Let’s Play Together [Party Up Gamer]
Published: Mar 15, 2012 10:00 am