I’ve only seen one game from Sega on the Vita, and that was Virtua Tennis 4. But it was kind of cool with it’s touch control and two-player-one-Vita battle mode. Sega says that there’s more coming, and that they’re pretty jazzed about Sony’s new portable.
“It’s interesting on Vita – technically it’s brilliant, it’s beautiful, and it’s really great to play. And Sony has made it very clear they want to target core gamers primarily. So we take that on board with the titles that we’re going to bring out,” Sega West CEO Mike Hayes told IndustryGamers.
He is also behind the full range of price points and software types the Vita can deliver, from full games to little apps.
“The nice thing about the Vita, I think, is ultimately going to be the range of software pricing types that you can put on it so it’s not just the high end game at the high end price,” he said. “You can do the mid-point, more like your XBLA or PSN titles and of course maybe even a small bite size of more app type software. For me, the strength of that device is the whole spectrum of software, that will either sell as physical or as digital. That, I think, is a big point of difference for us as a developer. So that’s pretty cool.”
Sega is just one of the many devs that have shared their enthusiasm for the system. That usually means good things for us gamers.
Published: Aug 9, 2011 04:30 pm