Sega Arcade Nano: 5 Genesis games in a keychain

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The little joystick keychain shown above actually contains 10 games, and 5 of them are Genesis/Megadrive games. Pop in one AAA battery and plug in A/V cables and you have a really tiny little retro game system. It actually has an 8-way joystick and A, B, and C buttons. It’s good for travel, hotel rooms, visits to grandma’s house, hand cramps.

What’s inside?

  • Sonic the Hedgehog 
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2 
  • Sonic Spinball 
  • Sonic 3D Blast (Why!?)
  • Alex Kidd 
  • Non-Sega games: Air Hockey, Naval Power, Cannon, Fight or Lose, Checker

AtGames and BLAZE are releasing this Arcade Nano for the UK market this month. It’s priced at £14.99. Order one here. Who needs a PS Vita when you have this baby?

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