I’ll let the big guns do the heavy lifting for the good cosplay photography (check back later this weekend), but we did snap off a few candid shots while running around the show floor here at San Diego’s 2010 Comic-Con in between appointments and panels.
Comic-Con is different from other events that have cosplay in a couple of ways. First off, the costumes here are like regular clothing. Sure, people will stop for a picture, but many of these people are really just dressing up for fun, and not to impress. They wear these outfits as they go from panel to booth, simply enjoying themselves. Compare this to a larger anime convention, where the main goal is to be seen and appreciated in your cosplay.
The other difference is a bit more obvious. There’s a lot more strange cosplay. While we all love sexy game and anime girls and cool cardboard box mechs, you’ll see more obscure comic-based costumes. More Star Wars. More Trekkies. And even some Furries. To each his own, eh?
As I said earlier, be sure to check back this weekend when we let our pro photographers get the best shots.
Published: Jul 23, 2010 01:20 pm