A lot of effort was put into crafting Dead Space‘s universe using out-of-game means, and as expected, they’re treating the sequel similarly. As announced during the “Building a Horror Entertainment Franchise: Dead Space 2” Comic-Con panel, an animated feature and a graphic novel are on the way.
Dead Space Salvage, the impending graphic novel, is about the Magpies finding the USG Ishimura and encountering the same necromorph horror that Isaac Clarke faced in the original Dead Space. Artist Christopher Shy is working on it, with publisher IDW aiming for a December release.
The animated feature has been dubbed Dead Space Aftermath. In an effort to create a “Marker blueprint carrier,” the government purposely sends a crew to get exposed to Marker shards. This explains the events of Aegis VII, which is where the human-made Marker was activated. Look for it to come out in January 2011.
This stuff is relevant to my interests, for sure. Quite the cool mythos for Dead Space has been created, but you wouldn’t necessarily know that by merely playing the games. Scroll through some random pages on this wiki when you have time to burn.
Published: Jul 23, 2010 04:20 pm