Did any of you play Sanctum? It’s an enjoyable mix of first-person shooting and tower-defense maze building, and while I haven’t been back to play the newer content, it’s a recommendable game. According to Joystiq, it sold some 300,000 copies on Steam and a sequel is coming to PC and consoles in 2013.
Can’t say I saw that coming, but I’m excited. Perhaps the success of titles like Orcs Must Die! and Dungeon Defenders on consoles has made it easier to convince publishers to fund this stuff.
Reverb Publishing executive producer Ted Lange is feeling it: “We all have logged quite a few hours with Sanctum and can definitively say that what Coffee Stain has in store for Sanctum 2 will blow the minds of Sanctum fans and new gamers alike.”
Sanctum 2 defends PC, consoles in 2013 [Joystiq]
Published: Feb 6, 2012 06:00 pm