The Internet, SJWs, and ‘shitposting.’ If you’re an alien, these are pretty weird concepts
It’s highly probable that an alien race, dwelling somewhere in outer space, has developed technology the likes of which we could only dream of, but lack something we consider mundane. For example, what if a race of magical bird-people from another planet had the ability to transport organic matter through thin air without any loss of quality, but had not yet discovered how to do the same thing with abstract content like “data”? How would they feel if the learned about the Internet? Better yet, how would they feel when they learned what most people use the Internet for? What would they think of terms like “social justice warrior,” “lol,” and “shitposting”? This special “Flashback to 19XX” episode of Samus and Sagat intends to answer those questions and more.
This episode also marks the third time that Maddy Myers and I have gotten together to shoot Samus and Sagat, and things already feel different. It looks like we’re through the “getting to know you” phase and already way off into the “drunk off each other’s company so God knows what’s going to happen next” phase. That definitely makes for a different kind of show. My acting in this episode is… really something. I’m not sure exactly what that something is, but I know it’s true.
I also know it’s true that making a collage of Maddy’s various facial expressions is a lot of fun, and I hope to have the opportunity to do that again soon. We’ve got that collage in a wallpaper size right here, per the request of a few of my Twitter followers, so enjoy!
If you like the new stuff that Destructoid is producing on our YouTube page, please subscribe and spread the word about what we’re up to. Transitioning our channel out of the “Max Scoville era” of 2014 and into the “Destructoid Front Page Editor’s take over” era of 2015 isn’t going to be easy, but so far, it’s been a heck of a lot of fun. We want to share that fun with as many of you as we can, so please hop on board and tell your friends if you’re into it.
Last but not least, thanks to David North for the amazing Samus and Sagat fan art seen above. If we had a special effects budget, we’d definitely do a creepy Cape Fear style episode about Ridley obsessing over Samus from jail, but this is pretty much a no-budget production we’re working on here. That said, we may have found a way to include another iconic Metroid boss in the next episode, and the results so far are actually quite impressive. We plan to have that one ready for you in about two weeks, so watch for it!
Published: Mar 2, 2015 04:00 pm