Once again, it seems like the folks over at EB Games/GameStop don’t know when to keep their traps shut.
Today on the EB Games/GameStop website, a listing appeared for a Playstation 3 version of THQ’s Saint’s Row. The listing (which had the game shipping this May) has since disappeared, but it’s too late. The Internet is faster than you, THQ; make the official announcement already. Extra missions, maybe 1080p support, etc. We should all know the drill by now.
Really, this comes as no surprised. There were rumors that a PS3 version of Saint’s Row would be seen as early as launch, and Volition (the developers responsible for the game) have even mentioned working on a version of the game for Sony’s system. I’d expect an official announcement in the coming months.
In the meantime, let’s all have a good laugh at the mobile version of the game.
Published: Jan 12, 2007 06:49 pm