Are you confused about what Rygar: The Battle of Argus and homosexual overtones have in common (well, besides the bare chested warrior vibe)? Let me help to clarify for you: Hard Gay is a Japanese entertainer who runs around wailing “woooo!” at random and thrusting his pelvis at anyone who will watch. I wonder how much he gets paid for this stuff.
Anyway, Impress Game Watch has pics up of a Rygar: The Battle of Argus promotional event, with Hard Gay in attendance along with a Japanese Rygar cosplayer and a hot girl in a Santa costume. Hard Gay then proceeded to unleash his dance moves upon the audience, who were either confused what this had to do with Rygar or barely phased (the latter being more likely, it being Japan and all).
[Via Kotaku]
Published: Dec 11, 2008 02:25 pm