A NeoGAF member is reporting that he saw Banjo-Kazooie 3 in action along with select members of the gaming press (of which I wasn’t a party — wtf!?) and that the embargo on what he saw is lifted May 13th. That essentially means that Rare’s 360 platformer should have a huge stinking wad of fresh information next month. Apparently, the teaser site that went live a while ago shall all make sense, too.
Although he could not comment much, what the GAF’er did say was that, in his opinion, BK3 is Rare’s triumphant return to form. Without saying too much, let me just state that I am aware of one or two things that make what this GAF’er say pretty much on the nail, and that Banjo-Kazooie 3 is certainly promising to be an amazing experience.
I am currently working on getting Destructoid’s foot in the Banjo door. We shall bring you any fresh info as and when it develops. Right now, all I can say is that this is going to be a videogame with more than three colors in it! The good times will roll!
Published: Apr 22, 2008 06:16 am