Sequel and compilation. That’s the words that wouldn’t fit into our headline space. This is a very loose rumor at this point, but the optimist in me has me running it anyway.
The rumor is that the Xbox 360 will see some epic role-playing game action at E3. First off is a sequel to Valkyrie Profile, coming from Square Enix. Go Fanboy says that it will be shown in video form in Microsoft’s E3 opener. Not playable at the show, though. I don’t know how they know that.
The other game is supposed to be a Breath of Fire compilation disc, which is rumored to contain the first two games with updated graphics and fancy-pants cutscenes.
A couple of observations: First off, if there is a VP coming, I’d bet it’s also coming to the PS3. On the Breath of Fire thing, Go Fanboy says it’s coming from Square Enix. They point out Capcom’s ties to the series.
Both of the rumored titles are right up my alley. Let’s hope there’s some truth to this.
Square Enix Bringing Valkyrie Profile Sequel to Xbox 360 and More [Go Fanboy]
Published: Apr 9, 2010 12:40 pm