The year’s just about over (thank God) and your friends here at RetroforceGO! are ready to close it out in the coolest way possible: with lists. You guys like lists, right? C’mon, everybody loves lists. Well, we like lists, anyway. So we made a bunch of them.
Tonight we’ll be taking a look back at the year in retro, and we’ve compiled a list of our top ten Virtual Console titles, XBLA games, and PSN games, along with a bunch of other random top ten lists. Lists of what, you ask? Who knows? Whatever we feel like making a top ten list of. That’s how we roll, kids.
We’ve also made some New Year’s “retrolutions” that we’ll be revealing later in the show, and we were wondering if any of you listeners did the same. Hit the comments and tell us all about it.
Published: Dec 30, 2007 04:51 pm