We brought you word the other day that Renegade Kid and Mastiff have teamed up for Renegade Kid’s next game code named Project M. This announcement lead many people to believe there had been some kind of falling out between Gamecock and Renegade Kid, myself included. Jools Watsham, Owner and Creative Director of Renegade Kid just sent word to clarify what’s really up:
Renegade Kid and Gamecock have been in talks regarding future game development since the day Dementium: The Ward was submitted to Nintendo (literally). The game(s) that Gamecock and Renegade Kid are discussing are more long term. Therefore, public announcement of them would not be for some time.
Hit the jump to read everything Jools had to say about this situation.
“I’d like to take this opportunity to state some facts, and hopefully squash some misconceptions, about the recent press release announcing our new DS title “Project M” with the good folks at Mastiff.
I have read comments on other websites that suggest some people believe the announcement of our next title implies that we do not want to work with Gamecock again. This could not be further from the truth. Our relationship with Gamecock is amazing. Working with the talented people at Gamecock has been an extremely positive experience, and one that both Gregg and I would love to repeat many, many more times.
Renegade Kid and Gamecock have been in talks regarding future game development since the day Dementium: The Ward was submitted to Nintendo (literally). The game(s) that Gamecock and Renegade Kid are discussing are more long term. Therefore, public announcement of them would not be for some time.
We are an independent developer who’s goal is to develop great games. Our next game happens to be with Mastiff. That does not mean that our following game(s) won’t be with Gamecock. We love Gamecock. We love games. Spread the word.”
There, see! Everything is fine! Now go watch a bird give men big breasts.
Published: Nov 2, 2007 03:55 pm