Yesterday, we ran an article about the listing of a PlayStation Portable version of MotorStorm on a U.K. videogame retailer’s Web site. The listing allowed us to arrive to the conclusion that the popular Sony racer could be coming to the PSP. It seemed natural, and it felt good.
Today, a Sony spokesperson told VideoGamer that the MostorStorm listing was a mistake. That’s it — end of show, folks. The spokesperson didn’t even think to tell anyone how excited he or she was about the current games listed for the PSP or about the PlayStation 3 version of the game.
According to your comments yesterday, the hype barometer for a PSP version of MotorStorm was relatively low. I think it’s time to go ahead and ask for the sequels to Patapon and Loco Roco to make it over to North America and Europe as soon as possible. I know I’m getting bored with my PSP. What about you guys?
Published: Sep 12, 2008 09:42 am