Only one Destructoid reader would ever deny that piracy was a major problem on the PSP. According to some developers, it was enough to keep them away from the system entirely. Sony is naturally concerned about similar issues on the PS Vita, but promises that it’ll be protected for quite some time.
“That was front and center in the early specs of this machine,” said worldwide studios SVP Scott Rohde. “We needed to have something that would combat piracy from day one, and that’s why the cards that you can purchase for the games are in their own proprietary format.
“It’s something that we felt was completely necessary to make sure that people could not pirate these games. I mean, it’s a custom security solution on each one of these cartridges. That is something that we are confident will protect us from piracy for the long term.”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the PSP use a proprietary format? And didn’t the 3DS use specialized cards? And won’t boasting about the Vita’s protection be seen as a thrown gauntlet to crackers who love a challenge?
Nah … I’m sure it’ll be fine.
Sony: Vita specs offer ‘long term’ piracy protection [Gamasutra] [Image]
Published: Feb 22, 2012 02:30 pm