I almost bought the Japanese version of Hammerin’ Hero on sight, there called Ikuze! Gen-San: Yuuyake Daiku Monogatari. Irem’s side-scrolling over-the-top beat-’em-up definite visual appeal, and there’s an insane story line and characters to go along with it. And who wouldn’t want to play a whacked-out platformer where you play as a righteous carpenter that’s not afraid to smash in heads wtih a giant wooden hammer?
Before I could place my order, Atlus was kind enough to send along an early copy of the Western version, renamed Hammerin’ Hero. Since then, as Gen, I’ve been traveling through a virtual Japan on my PSP, fighting an evil corporation with the powers and skills I’ve learned as an everyday man.
This is great. Platforming plumbers are so yesterday. Carpenters are where it’s at.
The story of Hammerin’ Hero is really stupid, and I mean that in the best way. Hyosuke Kuromoku and his evil construction company are ruining Japan with their wrecking and rebuilding. Social commentary, anyone? As a carpenter named Gen, this pisses you off, and so you take your huge hammer and make things right, all the while solving the troubles of Japan’s public along the way.
This everyday hero takes on other everyday jobs. As I completed levels, I unlocked other blue collar positions like a sushi chef, a diver, a DJ and more. As you take on that job, your attacks in this platformer change appropriately. Imagine doing a little sushi pat to attack enemies. Or throwing your DJ record albums at boss characters. Yeah, we said this one was pretty crazy, but the change of jobs keeps things fresh and fun.
Even though this is an old-school side-scroller, you’re getting fresh, lovely 3D settings and character graphics. You’ll go all around Japan, pummeling heads as you pass through amusement parks, restaurants, back alleys, and more. It all looks great in cell shading, all the way from Gen himself to huge, screen-filling bosses. It’s all very cartoony, but it’s so vibrant and attractive that it almost sells itself on sight.
Construction mech? Why not!
The game play is super simple: there’s a couple of attack buttons, jumping and crouching. This is standard platforming, folks. But what makes it fun is where you go and what you do when you get there. You’ll step on bystanders’ heads, walk in their food on tables, interrupting funny situations to do good for your country. You’ll battle baddies in people’s homes and businesses. No one seems to mind too much as long as you’re fighting the good fight.
We like that this game has a bit of difficulty built in, too. Big hammer or not, this is not a game you’ll just march through. There’s fun power-ups to help you along, including lunches made by your girlfriend. If she makes a particularly good lunch, it will transform you and help you out in battle. She’s not the best cook, though.
We’re really digging what we’ve seen of Hammerin’ Hero so far. I miss good ol’ platforming like this, and it’s definitely welcome on the PSP. We’ll be back with a full review closer to the April 7th release date.
Published: Mar 6, 2009 02:20 pm