Rock hard tasty abs
Chiptunes are cool and all, but you know me — I gotta have that little extra edge. When chip music emulates face-melting metal, it’s one of the nine most beautiful things in the world (maybe some day I’ll tell you what the other eight are).
Diad is a power union of Canadian and American talent between chip artists Heosphoros and Tadpole. Their self-titled album recalls hard rockin’ soundtracks of the NES era, such as Sunsoft’s Batman and Journey to Silius, or even the more recent Retro City Rampage. And if to draw even more attention to their metalhead sensibilities, the track “Dimension-Reversing Dualities” was given a live guitar arrangement by the always fantastic VikingGuitar.
The seven-track album is free (of course!), available in proper audio formats as well as original NSF sound files that can be played on native NES hardware. Go do dat thang!
Diad [Ubiktune]
Published: May 12, 2013 12:00 pm