Good old David Cage — always trying novel things. Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy) was certainly a unique game, and it looks as if Heavy Rain is going to follow suit. According to Cage, the game’s story will continue even if the main character dies:
“I can’t really tell you too much about what the story’s about or how it’s going to work with the characters, all I can tell you [is] that your character — the main character — can die, and the story will continue … You can continue to play, without this character, of course.”
Interesting! Cage did not say whether the game was possible to play from beginning to end as the main character — a female journalist investigating some disappearances — but if you can, then this could be a very interesting idea indeed.
The Quantic Dream man did confirm that the story would continue as it would if you hadn’t killed the main character — it’s “one big story.”
Sounds hot, and as a big fan of Fahrenheit, I am looking forward to seeing what Quantic Dream pulls out of the hat. I have faith that Cage and his team will deliver an interesting, novel and altogether dark videogame. Not dark in the immature, “this is so gritty” style that most developers think is terrific, but dark in the dark way. The good dark.
Published: Sep 11, 2008 08:02 am