Denis Dyack has done a good job of making himself more talked about than his videogame, and as a result has become a figure of fun and contempt in recent weeks. MTV Multiplayer requested an interview with Silicon Knights staff who were not Dyack for a change, although the first story to come from this interview are Stephen Totilo’s three interview subjects talking about … Denis Dyack.
Carman Dix, Art director of Too Human:
Underneath, Denis is still that boy that genuinely loves video games with a passion.Henry Sterchi, Director of design of Too Human:
Denis is sincerely passionate about the quality of everything Silicon Knights does, and with that passion comes some of his outspokenness and desire to interact with the community. One of my favorite Denis stories is when we met to discuss Eternal Darkness when I was working at Nintendo. A few of us got together, went out for dinner, and then ended up at an arcade just playing games for hours while we talked about ideas. It was incredibly refreshing and exciting to see all of the passion he had about making games and still act like a gamer and have fun.Steve Henifin, Audio director of Too Human:
One of the things I like about Denis is that he is a tenacious person and he takes risks. I respect him for that, because I’m the same way. I never give up, and if you don’t take risks you are never going to know your potential. I know that if it were not for Denis we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now, because SK wouldn’t exist.
Even when Will Wright and Hideo Kojima, two men who have truly earned their iconic status, release a videogame, we still talk about the game more than its creators. We know Will Wright is making Spore and we know Kojima made MGS, but we can talk about those games without the smug faces of their creators predominantly at the forefront of our minds. Denis Dyack, on the other hand, has made sure that he gets more coverage than his videogame. Perhaps he felt that he would promote the game in this way, but as I can see, he has only promoted himself. People wonder why I criticize Dyack so much, it’s bullsh*t like that. Denis Dyack is pretty much Jade Raymond at this point, except it wasn’t quite Raymond’s fault that she was shamelessly made more famous than her game, and she’s a bit more attractive.
Published: Aug 28, 2008 03:26 am