I had forgotten about AfterFall: InSanity, a post-apocalyptic third-person shooter with mutants. No wait, come back — it actually looks intriguing. Previously, this was teased as having a more ambiguous Q4 2011 release; it’s gunning for a November launch on PC and will see ports to additional platforms “soon after.”
“‘Afterfall’ means that the game takes place in the Afterfall universe, an alternate version of history since the Second World War. ‘InSanity’ refers to the shocking events that occur in the year 2032.” Wait, what?! WWIII has already happened in this game, which explains the underground survivors and existence of mutant creepythings.
If InSanity is set at a reasonable price, I can easily see it being a decent success. It’s a tough battle for gamers’ time and money, as it always is around that time of year.
Published: Sep 26, 2011 09:30 pm