I’ll probably ignore them
[Update: Lucioball, a Rocket League-like mode, is confirmed as a new game as per the PlayStation Blog. The event starts today, and more limited time events are confirmed for the future.]
Overwatch just got its first big update recently with Ana, but Blizzard has noted a lot more is in store in the future. That future, it seems, also involves new cosmetic items by way of new themed Loot Boxes.
Streamers have been getting boxes from Blizzard as of yesterday noting a new Rio Olympic Games promotion, with pictures of new sprays and new costumes for Lucio, Zarya, and Tracer. The literature also hints at a new map or a new mode, but the publisher hasn’t officially confirmed anything just yet. The event is active from August 22 and there are “more than 90 Summer Games items,” but no start date is specified.
I don’t think I’ll partake in this event, but I’m okay with it. SMITE and League of Legends have done a lot of similar cosmetic limited time promotions, and although it breeds a small niche of people obsessed with collecting them all before they disappear, it’s ultimately just that — optional.
Laced Up Lauren [Twitter via NeoGAF]
Published: Aug 2, 2016 11:00 am