Ha, Zenny can’t catch a break
Over on the Overwatch forums, principal designer Geoff Goodman explained some upcoming changes for several characters. Mercy, a hero who has had a significantly lower winrate than her pure healing counterpart Lucio, is getting a much-needed buff. They’ve talked about possibly giving her a new ability (an AOE HoT — or, area-of-effect heal over time, like Regen in the Final Fantasy series), but they’re still toying with that idea, and will “help her out in the near future” with “other” things.
Blizzard also stated that Mei doesn’t really see much tournament play, mostly because her ultimate is an under-performing ability. In the future, it might pierce barriers and get an increased radius. Zenyatta was also mentioned specifically, and the team is looking at reducing his Discorb Orb effectiveness.
As far as Zenyatta goes, I do think he was buffed a little too much in that last big patch (he only really needed a health/armor improvement to counter Widowmaker shots for sure), but it’s funny if you’ve been following him since the beta — as he’s already undergone a big round of nerfs before being brought back into the spotlight recently. As he says when he respawns — “adversity is an opportunity for change.”
In other development news, the game stealth rolled-out 60-tick servers. The game gets better all the time, and I’m still very happy with it. There are a few tweaks that could be made here and there, but it’s pretty well-balanced for a relatively new game.
Mei’s Biggest Problem is Her M1 [Battle.net]
Published: Aug 12, 2016 10:30 am