You could blame it on the flash photography. You could blame it on the players not knowing what they’re doing. Alternatively, you could blame it on Kinect being a load of crap that’s more concept than substance. Your humble writer isn’t stating that one or any of these things can be blamed. Just watch the video.
As you can see, Microsoft thought it would be a good idea to have some half-naked Asian girls play Kinect’s version of Wii Sports and Kinect’s version of Dance Dance Revolution. On paper, it is a good idea. In practice, it makes Kinect look like it simply doesn’t work.
This won’t convince those of us still skeptical of Kinect. Even if the problem was with the flashing lights and atmosphere, does that mean Kinect will only work in a quiet, well-lit, perfectly conditioned room? So much for use as a party piece. And if it’s the girls not knowing what they’re doing? Well, so much for Kinect being user-friendly and more intuitive than buttons. It seems with each failed PR stunt, Kinect’s original promise is being systematically stripped away.
We went from 2009’s terrifyingly ambitious Project Milo demo to this … two confused young girls who can’t even make a casual racing game work. This is the future of gaming.
Sexy ladies can’t disguise embarrassing Kinect demo fail [GamesRadar]
Published: Jul 30, 2010 09:30 pm